Last month we asked for your favorite pie story in anticipation of Essen's "Summer of Pie." Thanks to everyone who shared their pie memories and congratulations to Janet S. with this gem. It's still about the story, after all.
"My husband's birthday was the day after Thanksgiving this year, which, as far as I can tell, is one of the worst days ever for a birthday. Nobody cares one bit about your big day because they are in a coma after eating all that turkey and pie.
In an effort to make his day a little less wretched, I always promise to make him a birthday pie. Not a birthday cake--a birthday pie. Because, as he explained, when people did remember his birthday (which was sometimes the day before Thanksgiving--or WORSE, the actual Turkey Day) as he was growing up, they would conscientiously produce a birthday cake for him to eat. And, he being the good boy that he was (due to the diligence of his parents), he would have to eat the cake. Not the pumpkin pie or pecan pie or apple pie or whatever other Thanksgiving indulgence everyone else got to enjoy. He'd have to eat the cake.
And it made him very, very sad.
Anyway, as I said, I always promise to make him a birthday pie.
This doesn't necessarily mean I always actually do it, however. I mean. It's Thanksgiving, for pete's sake. I'm kinda busy. --One year, I'm pretty sure I didn't get around to making the pie until January. Or maybe later. Or maybe not at all.
So, back to more personally-flattering topics, I usually make the man a pie. And it's usually something of his choice. Most often, that seems to mean Lemon Meringue. Which is delicious. But a total pain in the booty to make.
This year, however, his request was for Strawberry Rhubarb pie.
I gotta tell you, I didn't think it was going to happen.
I mean--Thanksgiving ain't exactly strawberry season. And it sure ain't rhubarb season.
But, lo and behold, the garden at my dad's house (where we spent the blessed holiday this year) just happened to have a few stalks of rhubarb lingering in the chilly weather.
So,only one day past The Man's birthday, I finally got around to making that pie.
And it was delicious.
I went a little nuts and made it with a crumb topping, which I must say was...mmm...magnifico!
Anyway, last night as I was taking the pie out of the oven, George and the boys (including baby Finley) were sitting around the computer (awww...you thought I was going to say something cozy like PIANO or FIREPLACE, didn't you? Nope. Welcome to the future, my friends) listening to pretty much the best song in the world. --I'd never heard it before, but the big boys were singing along, George was bouncing the baby on his knee, and Finley was laughing his cutie-pie baby head off.
I fell in love with this song immediately, and have listened to it about ten times since then.
It goes a little something like this:
Well lately I've been thinkin' about some good home cookin', just like that I haven't eaten in the longest time.
Now I like potato chips, now please don't get me wrong. But I haven't tasted mama's rhubarb pie in so very long.
Rhubarb pie, in the summer. Rhubarb pie, made by my mother. Nothing better in the winter, than rhubarb pie after dinner.And if you want to be in a good mood like me, can I just suggest that you click
on this link to hear the actual song?
Oh, and then you'll want some pie.
So here's the recipe:
Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie with Crumb Topping(
Editor's note: This recipe has not been tested by Essen.)
3 cups hulled and sliced strawberries
3 cups rhubarb, trimmed and cut into1-inch pieces
1 cup sugar
2 to 3 Tbsp cornstarch
2 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp grated orange zest
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional, but I liked it)
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
2/3 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
6 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/8 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Pie Crust:
Use your favorite recipe here because I'm getting tired of typing.
Preheat oven to 400. Line 9-inch pie pan with the pie crust I was too tired to tell you how to make.
Combine ingredients for pie filling in a large bowl, allowing it to sit for 15 minutes before scraping into pie plate.
Combine topping ingredients in a food processor (add nuts by hand afterwards).
Pour filling into prepared crust. Scatter butter pieces over filling. Cover with topping.
Place in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 and continue baking 30 to 40 minutes longer.
Allow to cool to room temperature so that juices have time to thicken, from one to two hours. Serve with vanilla ice cream if you have it."
Essen note: Feel free to keep it seasonal and substitute other berries for strawberries.)