Why am I telling you all this? It's amazing the change preserving food has had on me and my family. Are we self-sustaining? Not even close. Will I buy jam at the grocery store when we inevitably run out before summer? Begrudgingly. Do we eat fresh foods that are locally grown out of season? We try not to, hence the wonder of the homemade, homegrown strawberry jam in January. Do we eat things that come from more than 100 miles away. Yes, but we're conscious of each decision we make. Here's what I'm trying to say. Put away what's easy, what you like and what you know you'll eat. Don't stress about what you haven't done and savor every bite of what you did save.
About a month from now I'll start reminding my favorite strawberry farmer to save me the best Early Glows. Of course, his family always gets a jar from the first batch.