"Sick of strawberries? It would take a ton ... When they are in season, I put them in everything. I will tell you that I will never again complain paying upwards of $5 a box for locals, though. Two years ago I spent an afternoon picking strawberries. It was a beautiful, clear day. And boy was it hot. It was tedious work and the next day I was so stiff. They were probably some of the best I ever tasted. I don't even remember what I made with them. Probably a biscuit-style shortcake. Served with milk. As dinner, not dessert. My husband, who is not a native Lancastrian, still finds it hard to wrap his mind around strawberry shortcake as dinner. To me, it is reminiscent of childhood. I love it. I'm always a little sad when the season ends, but by the peaches are on the way. Here's to seasonal eating!"
Thanks for sharing that wonderful story, Sara. To show our thanks, please accept a FREE Essen Class. As for shortcakes for dinner, I made a mega-shortcake last week, placed it in the middle of the table with 3 forks and walked away. Let's just say these non-natives have adopted a new tradition!