Confession: I'm the mom of a 12 year old - for one day.
This isn't going to be one of those sappy entries about how time flies (which it does), it seems like only yesterday he was sleeping on our chest (it does and he still would), and how we have to make each day count (we should and we try). This is about cake.
Confession: I love food. I don't care much for cake.
Birthdays in our family are special days, but dessert was either grocery store cake or dessert at a restaurant. I reasoned that at a young age kids didn't know the difference and wouldn't value a really. good. cake. It helped that cake doesn't do much for me. "Why invest the time if the outcome won't be valued?" I reasoned without guilt. But this year I was about to have a 12 year old. Who really likes cake. And not that much else. It's never too late to begin a new tradition.
From this birthday forward, I'll ask my kids to choose their homemade birthday cake. They already pick their dinner, why not the cake? (For my daughter, this will be broadened to dessert as she's like me when it comes to cake.) It's one more piece to the traditions and history we've been creating since long before they were born.
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